Download the pictures from Tuenti to your device manually can be an impossible task, even more so if you have a great number of pictures scattered between several albums. Tuenti Fotos is a mobile application with which you can save any photographs folder from the social network to your device.
Each time you open the application you'll have to log in with your user information, then automatically you'll see the albums divided by categories: tagged pictures, uploaded by you, profile pictures, pictures you liked, and albums that you created. In each of these you'll see the elements saved and their size, in case you download them to your device.
To save all the pictures you just have to tap on the selection you want to save, and then tap on the option 'Save to SD card', if you don't want them to take space from your device's internal memory. The scanning takes some time to be completed, as does the download. When both finish the images will automatically appear in your gallery with the same title as in the original album in Tuenti.
This application is very useful for those who, for example, want to permanently close their account on the social network but don't want to lose all their pictures. With Tuenti Fotos you can download absolutely all of them and delete your profile without leaving any trace.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 2.2.x or higher required
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